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Export data from Google Search Console

  1. Sign in with Google account
  2. Select domain
  3. Select Date range
  4. Download selected dimensions
  5. For free!

Get me feedback!

To make Mecagoenlos work, we log user data in Google Analytics but we don't store Google Search Console data, (we only save in Google Analytics the 'site name', e.i, "mecagoenlos.com" and number of rows downloaded, e.i "50.000", and user's mail, no data, no problem ). By using Mecagoenlos, you agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy.


What this SEO tool allows you to do:

  • Get up to 50,000 rows of data from Google Search Console
  • Choose if you want to see the combinations of keyword+URL
  • Export all that data from the table
  • See a graph of the distribution of clicks by position (top 3, top 5, etc.)
  • See a graph of the distribution of keywords by position (top 3, top 5, etc.)




Exportar datos de Google Search Console - Seo Tool



Filter the data using Regex

You can filter the data that includes certain words, or even use negative regex ("does not contain"). For example, if you want to see only the keywords that do not contain "google" you can use "^((?!google).)*$" in the filter box. Some examples:

  • If it matches any of these keywords "blog" or "seo" we should put "blog|seo" in the tool's search engine
  • Keywords that do not contain "blog": "^(?!blog).)*$"
  • Keywords that do not contain "blog" nor "seo": ^(?!blog|seo).)*$"
Exportar datos de Google Search Console - Seo Tool


Get much more data using the Google Search Console API, which we provide for free!

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